Friday 28 Jan ’16
Silvana, Blair & Dasha, from Peru, Korea, and The Ukraine all descend on Runaway University this weekend. Big ideas! And maybe a few big bugs! O_o
Silvana, Blair & Dasha, from Peru, Korea, and The Ukraine all descend on Runaway University this weekend. Big ideas! And maybe a few big bugs! O_o
Pinar flew over from Ankara, Turkey to help Gizem celebrate her 30th birthday. After adventures in Santa Monica & Venice, there was cake in the RULA cafateria!
Ludmila & Ambyr Noelle went to the University of Nevada, Reno to hang out. Ambyr did some studying in the library, flirted with cheerleaders, and played in the snow.
When Joan Li comes to visit, you’d better be hungry! Joan cooks! And cooks! Joan the cooking machine! She made so many inspired, delicious dishes for us!
You might be coming to RULA for the Art & Culture, but you’re also in for all the Culinary Delights of New Taipei (Rosemead).
After 2 successful Winter Sessions @RULA, our 1st crop of Spring Students are arriving! (or Fall, in the Southern Hemisphere)(Yes, I know it’s still Winter / Summer!)
RULA learners from 4 continents and 7 countries collaborated on World Geography & Cultures day!
We held an Automatic Drawing class at RULA and made partner drawings. Both people hold a pencil that seems to move itself!
When I switched out the Whalers Dark Rum for Kraken Spiced Black Rum the popularity of this hot holiday drink went through the roof!
Bauyrzhan Abuov & Aidana Assanbayeva fed us for days with their delicious Kazakhstan meat & potatoes!