Ambyr Noelle

The Bear

Once upon a time Noelle Delaney gave me a bear. She bought it new, but didn’t care for the “new” fur, so she threw it in a washer first and then presented it. I haven’t seen Noelle for a really long time. But the bear lives on.

The CouchSurfer

When Lara Royo was here she slept with the bear. Ambyr Rose stayed a little after Lara and when she came home late from a wedding reception, I tucked the bear under her arm. The next morning she caught an early plane home, took the bear with her, and then WhatsApp’d the group:

screen cap of a Whatsapp chat sessikon

The Return

Ambyr just sent the bear back — with a delicious box of holiday cookies! — and as soon as I opened the box, Ludmila fell in love with it. It became quickly clear that after living at Casa Glenn for years, the bear, “Ambyr Noelle” was destined, like my house, to be swept up in the 2016 travel frenzy that is Runaway University!

New Voyages

And so Ambyr Noelle and Ludmila of Argentina have returned to Ludmila’s year-long teaching work at the University of Nevada, at Reno. Ludmila’s going to send pictures of Ambyr Noelle’s adventures, and then after a few weeks send Ambyr Noelle back, so she can venture off with some other CouchSurfer to adventures in a new location.

Ludmila Tugues of Argentina & the University of Nevada at Reno, holding a small teddy bear and smiling
Ambyr Noelle & Ludmila Tugues

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